Thursday, December 18, 2008

Lets start caring about each other

Just listen…

How can we provide hope to the hopeless? How do we ask for wishes and dream to those we don’t provide a future. We tell our children to listen, just listen, and when they do we don’t protect them.

I ask you now to just listen. Listen to my words and the words of the lord so we can help all children, children of god.

For the longest time man has been searching to find the meaning of life. It was not until recently that I figured out where to find this aged old question. All of our answers are in the bible. It is that simple.

Jesus does not promote hatred, destine towards others or discontentment. Jesus wants peace, love, friendship, and understanding.

There are three aspects of success we must strive for: intelligence/education, family and faith.

Educationally, we have to give children options, not just college, but real long term options. Provide programs in the schools, not outsourcing them to other agencies. Have students chose from different tracks, the college student, the mechanic student, the computer student, the culinary student, etc.

Passage Proverbs 1:5:5 Let the wise hear and (A) increase in learning, and the one who understands obtain guidance

We need to increase learning. Give families especially children a vessel to learn. We should not automatically stop teaching because today’s children need alternative methods to understand. If we accomplish learning, then we give children a future and a chance to receive guidance.

Passage Proverbs 9:9:9Give instruction[a] to a wise man, and he will be(A) still wiser; teach a righteous man, and he will(B) increase in learning.

I think it is just that simple. we have to educate, teach, foster learning and instruct. And we must never stop. By doing this, we are able for our children to reach higher levels. We want to increase everyone’s abilities for learning.

Passage Exodus 35:31:31 and he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with(A) skill, with intelligence, with knowledge, and with all craftsmanship.


We must protect our families, we must provide for them so they are able to give back to the lord.


This is the major problem and I believe the leading cause of our downfalls. We have taken God out of everything. We cannot pray, we cannot believe publicly and we have been striped from our religious belief. According to our history, this is the reason we left England in the first place. We have to rebuild our faith and commitment to the lord.

Passage 1 Samuel 2:9:
He will guard the feet of his faithful ones, but the wicked shall be cut off in darkness, for not by might shall a man prevail.

How many of the Ten Commandments are actually followed?

1. 'You shall have no other gods before Me.' – Muslims, Jews, Catholics, Protestants and Atheists – fighting to be the chosen ones.

2. 'You shall not make for yourself a carved image--any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.'

3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.' Not only slurs, but we as a society have forgotten about him

4. 'Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.' – There are some
people who chose to go to church and some are made to go.

5. Honor your father and your mother.' There is to much disrespect in
this area. There is little to no honoring.

6. 'You shall not murder.' If you have money you can do anything.

7. 'You shall not commit adultery.' Honestly this one is a joke.
60 % of marriages are falling apart.

8. 'You shall not steal.' Too many people Steal

9. 'You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.' We fight
all time with our neighbors.

10. You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife. Another one of that fall under “a joke.”

Now how many of these do we follow?

1. Pride – Asking for help has now been classified as an art. If we just
slow down, ask God for guidance we are helped.

2. Envy – We are a society based on envy, we have to have what
our neighbors have.

3. Gluttony – When a village in Kenya has one TV and no electricity
to watch it unless they hook up the car battery to the TV, and average
American households have at least 3 TV’s.

4. Lust - Please see Commandant Seven

5. Anger – It has been a long time since we have stopped reacting to

6. Greed – 700,000,000,000 dollar bail out.

7. Sloth – American in the last 20 years or so has stopped producing as much and has initiated a gather only mentality.

I want to know why the devil is winning so easily. How did a once caring and giving society turn so evil and uncaring?
Our Children need our help

· There are an estimated 100 million children living in the streets in the world today.
· Children living on the streets are especially vulnerable to victimization, exploitation, and the abuse of their civil and economic rights.
· International indifference to the problem has led to continual neglect and abuse of these children.
CyC-Online, issue 68, September 2004, Street Children and homelessness.

· According to the National Coalition for the Homeless, 1.35 million U.S. children are homeless on any given night. (2000)
· Families with children are the fastest growing segment of the homeless population, accounting for almost 41% of the nations homeless. (2005)
· In 2003, children under the age of 18 accounted for 39% of the homeless population.
· 42% of homeless children are under the age of five.
· Nearly 20% of homeless children lack a regular source of medical care.
· Homeless children are hungry more than twice as often as other children.
· Almost 1/3 of low-income families do not have enough money to prepare three meals a day.
· 14% of homeless children are diagnosed with learning disabilities - double the rate of other children.
· 21% of homeless children repeat a grade because of frequent absence from school.
· Within a single school year, 41% of homeless students attend two different schools, 28% attend three or more.
· For children and youth identified as homeless by State Departments of Education, 35% lived in shelters, 34% lived doubled up with family or friends and 23% lived in motels or other locations. (FY 2000)
· Poverty and lack of affordable housing are the principal causes of family homelessness.
· Today, 35.2% of persons living in poverty are children (2007). , Statistics on Homeless Children & Youth

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Bailout like Me

For the past several weeks, I was wondering why we allowed our government to lay another one on us. We have become a country filled with complacency. When the gas prices climbed well over three dollars and in some areas hit four we sat back and said “what can I do”?

When the government signed a seven hundred billion dollar bailout, we were outraged, but did nothing. And the worst part about it is we have to pay for it. The greed in this country has exploded so out of control that our government allowed for one banking executive to receive over twenty million dollars in severance and a local county’s 2009 budget is twenty-six million dollars. Hillsborough County Florida will have to make several major cuts to services, education, law enforcement and other areas just to reach the twenty-million dollars. OUR LEADERS, BANKERS, AUTOMOBILE MAKERS, CREDIT LENDERS, INSURANCE PROVIDERS AND POLITITIANS SHOULD BE ASHAMED OF THEMSELVES.

Here is my plan, because our government is forcing honest, hardworking Americans to pay off our countries greed, I believe we should be able receive some of it in our pockets. Not just a 300 – 1200 dollar stimulus check. We should demand something with teeth. If we don’t receive it we should vote out ALL incumbents. One idea I have is for home owners to receive several mortgage checks vouchers. I also feel we should receive several months of food stamps. And my third Citizen Bailout option should involve several car payments. Finally, we should have our utilities paid for several months. If you don’t have a mortgage payment, then maybe three or four stimulus check would or could be sufficient.

We must start caring about each other and not about how many dead presidents we have in our wallets.